16 Steps on How to get your dog to stop barking

16 Steps on How to get your dog to stop barking


16 Steps on How to Stop A Dog From Barking


It is important to remember that dogs bark for a reason. They can bark when they are happy, They bark to warn another dog to stay out of their territory. They bark when danger is near or when they are about to attack.

However, too much barking can become a nuisance and dog owners need to take a responsible attitude to the barking of their own dogs.

Teaching a dog to bark on cue means that the dog is less likely to bark when it does not receive that cue.

When your dog has learnt to bark on cue it is easier to get them to stop barking on cue too.


step 1: Get your dog to bark

Get someone to make a noise so that your dog barks. Let him bark 2 or 3 times and then put a tasty treat in front of his nose. 


step 2: Reward him when he stops barking

When he stops barking to sniff the treat praise him and give him the treat.


step 3. link the behavior to a cue word

After a few repeats of the process introduce a cue work such as "speak". Create the noise and say speak at the same time.


step 4: reward him again for exhibiting the desired behavior.

You should praise the dog as well as giving him a treat when he is doing what you want him to.


step 5. When your dog is reliably barking on cue it is time to teach a cue to stop barking.

Your dog should learn that it is OK to bark until he is told to stop. Use a cue such as "be quiet". Simultaneously hold a treat in front of his nose, Dogs will normally stop barking immediately to smell the treat.



step 6. praise your dog continuously during his quiet time,

When your dog stops barking to smell the treat, reward him immediately and praise him. Praise him continuously until you want to repeat the process and issue the speak command.

When he makes a mistake and barks when he should not, reprimand him immediately. Then do something that gets his attention such as clapping your hands loudly. As soon as he stops barking reward him instantly.


step 7. focus on specific problem areas.

If your dog is barking and stopping barking on cue but misbehaving elsewhere you need to focus on specific situations.

If your dog is barking in his crate or behind a baby gate, he is seeking your attention. Go to the cage and turn your back on him.


step 8. Reward him when he stops barking

As soon as he stops barking reward him with a treat and praise him. As he begins to realize that he is being rewarded for being quiet, lengthen the time he must remain quiet before he is rewarded.


step 9. dogs who are afraid of other dogs will often bark at them

Dogs often bark from anxiety or fear. They need to be socialized with other dogs. 


step 10. Get a friend to help you with the training.

Get your friend to walk past with their dog. As they come in to sight start giving your dog treats. Continue to give your dog treats until the other dog is out of sight.


step 11. Ask your friend to walk a bit closer with their dog

Ask your friend to repeat the exercise but this time walking a bit closer. Over time the distance can be decreased. Be patient with this, it could take some weeks for the dog to consistently pay attention to you and the treats without barking at the other dog.


step 12. teach your dog to stop barking when the doorbell rings

When the doorbell rings the dog barks wildly to warn you that an intruder is nearby.


step 13. when you have taught your dog the quiet command in a calm environment you can now use it in Increasingly demanding situations.

You spent some time teaching your dog the speak and quiet commands. Now it should all pay off. You can use the quiet command in all kinds of different situations. Be patient and do not expect too much too soon. Use the command in situations which are increasingly difficult.


step 14. when the doorbell rings teach your dog to go to a special place and lie quietly while the intruder enters

When the doorbell rings train your dog to go to a special place and stay there.


step 15. start by throwing a treat on the dog’s bed and saying "go to your place"

Begin the training when the house is quiet and there are no distractions. Throw a treat on the bed and use the command "go to your place"


step 16. make it more difficult by opening the door

When he is reliably going to his bed to earn a treat make the task more difficult by opening the door. If he gets up close the door immediately. If not, give him a treat and praise him.

Gradually increasing the difficulty by leaving the door open for longer periods. Then increase the difficulty again by getting someone to ring the bell or knock on the door.


Reward him if he stays in his place,


All these techniques will help you control a dogs barking. However, you must be patient and persistent. Do not expect miracles overnight. Every now and again the dog may seem to slip back. In this case just go back a step and start over.



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